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Urban Land Management

Urban Land Management works to preserve and enhance present and future value. Value preservation and enhancement is the major objective of real estate investment. Current trends in real estate are monitored to determine changes in the market. THE CLOWER COMPANY is knowledgeable in this area. Some of the services provided to our clients include:

• Evaluation of Estimates of Value. Appraisals and market value estimates are reviewed routinely. Property appraisals determine property values from numerous perspectives and sometimes their opinion is influenced by unrealistic and misinterpreted information that is obtained by outside sources or third parties. Values can be misread due to the faulty evaluation of information concerning zoning (effect highest and best use), utility availability, pipeline easements, soil testing and right-of-way. THE CLOWER COMPANY provides their clients with the most accurate estimates of value.

• Zoning. THE CLOWER COMPANY constantly monitors all zoning changes in the Metro area. This monitoring enables the firm to obtain the most advantageous zoning for its clients; and, at the same time protect property investors from the impact of negative zoning of surrounding properties.

• Platting. The platting ordinances of the City of Corpus Christi are complex. THE CLOWER COMPANY understands these ordinances because they deal with them on a regular basis. The company keeps abreast of all changes in the building code requirements such as building lines, setbacks, utility easements, access requirements and platting restrictions. The company has worked with city government for many years and has established working relationships with city hall.

• Utilities. Availability, sizing, cost of extensions and permits, and determination of participation techniques are areas in which THE CLOWER COMPANY has years of experience. The provision for adequate sewer, water, gas and drainage are key factors impacting the value of property and are controlled by the City of Corpus Christi. THE CLOWER COMPANY strives to assure that their clients receive all city services available at a reasonable cost. The same expertise applies to electric power, telephone services and all other required services provided by private/public utility companies.

• Use Limitations. THE CLOWER COMPANY has a vast level of experience in the interpretation and understanding of deed and/or lease restrictions, building permit restrictions, surface rights and controls, and health permit requirements. The company can reasonably determine the impact of how the many use limitations can affect a client’s property.

Land Development and Planning

THE CLOWER COMPANY has been directly responsible for the planning, evaluating, development, and sales/leasing of shopping centers (10,000-50,000 sq. ft.), office buildings (high rise to suburban), commercial and industrial parks, fast food sites, warehouses, and residential subdivisions. THE CLOWER COMPANY is a qualified expert in these areas of real estate activity.

Mineral/Oil/Gas Interests, Etc.

Of utmost importance to land value is the protection of surface rights and control. Knowledge of proper lease elements involving mineral interests, drilling sites, pipeline locations, surface control and right-of-way are essential to fully understand and evaluate the impact on property value.

Agricultural Uses

In urban, as well as rural uses, THE CLOWER COMPANY is knowledgeable as to what type crops and farming techniques are available to produce the maximum amount of cash flow for the property owner.

Other Rights (Error Easements)

The company handles negotiation and preparation of pipeline easements, drainage easements, aerial easements, right-of-ways, etc.
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